Officials Say the Darndest Things!

Remember Kids Say the Darndest Things!? It's time for Officials Say the Darndest Things! Here are a few to prime the pump. Then it’s your turn.

Segment 1: Adverbs Gone Berserk

"We do not wittingly collect data on Americans." - Director of National Intelligence addressing the Senate

"Generally we use tear gas infrequently." - Deputy Director, Utah Dept. of Corrections,  commenting on tear gassing of inmates in the mental health unit.

Segment 2:  Nouns into Verbs

“We are working to expand the containment.” – Fire Chief from LA on efforts to battle the Powerhouse fire. Could he mean, “Contain the expansion?”

Amanda Barusch

Amanda Barusch has worked as a janitor, exotic dancer, editor, and college professor. She lives in the American West, where she spends as much time as possible on dirt paths. She has an abiding disdain for boundaries and adores ambiguity. Amanda has published eight books of non-fiction, a few poems, and a growing number of short stories. Aging Angry is her first work of creative non-fiction. She uses magical realism to explore deep truths of the human experience in this rapidly changing world.


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