Swagger & Ink
- Academia 1
- Ageism 1
- Aging 2
- Aging Angry 2
- Amanda Moments 2
- America 10
- Anger 2
- Chavela 1
- Cruelty 1
- Death 2
- Essay 2
- Family 8
- Inspiration 6
- Interview 10
- Marriage 1
- Narrative Inquiry 8
- Nature 4
- New Zealand 15
- News 1
- Poetry 22
- Presentation 1
- Publication 3
- Punctuation 1
- Recipe 4
- Review 25
- Short Story 5
- Signs 1
- Social Policy 1
- Teaching 1
- Teaching and Learning 1
- War 2
- Women 3
- Words 3
- Work 1
- Writing 3
What didn't Happen
I just wanted some peace.
My Demented Weekend
My stepmother had been sending messages for the past year. Dad was "belligerent.”
At Last Some Answers for Struggling Writers
Becoming a Writer (Penguin Putnam) tackles the fundamental challenges confronted by struggling writers.
Envy is Ignorance
The waiter's tattoo said, “envy is ignorance.” I replied, “No, it’s a deadly sin.”
What Makes us Happy?
The cover of the June ’09 Atlantic Month features a radiantly happy young man and the promise of lessons on happiness from “an amazing 72-year study.”
My Body My Home: Confessions of a recovering neurotic
Meandering through my home and compiling a list of summer projects I'm struck by the notion that I treat my house the same way I treat my 50-something body.
Desert Survival Rules - July
If you are awake at 6AM – go outside and do something. It may be your last chance for a long time.
Upside Down Immigration Blues
You don’t want to be caught overseas with an expired RR visa …
Truth and Stories
Stories are essential to our personal and collective development …
Auto-ethnography: Life at the Boundary Between Self and Society
Standing before the full-length mirror in my bedroom I am confused.
Desert Rain
Wandering in the hills behind our house I was startled when a drop of rain landed beneath my eye.
Michelle's Frown
The frown that nobody seems to have photographed made an indelible mark on my memory.
A Holiday Rant
Before you realize what you’re doing she realizes you are staring at her. What do you say?
Books are Never Done
The essence of book is not a thing. It’s a process.
Politics and Halloween
Ten year old Elizabeth Roess scored a victory for Halloween this year when she brought trick-or-treating back to Oil City, Pennsylvania.
I Pledge Allegiance
I was pledging allegiance to my country. I could live with that.
I like purple, but that wasn't the reason I bought it.
Finding Wyoming
Hiking out from the lakes, you can save a mile or so by taking the short cut where the sheep carcass used to be.
A different kind of health care system
This week I received clear evidence that New Zealand does indeed have a different kind of health care system.
More Death and Funerals
It gets closer to home this week, when Bronwyn's husband passed away at age 48 from a kind of leukemia.