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Speeches, Seminars, Lectures, Workshops, Readings
Amanda will be happy to speak to your group, either via Zoom or in person. She can address a wide range of topics related to aging and older adults, particularly the dynamics of anger. Audiences consistently find her presentations engaging, informative, and fun. Use the Contact Form above.
GoodReads offers a great venue for book discussions. It really is like an “internet cafe.” Amanda writes book reviews, and she also has an author page. You can check out her GoodReads author page here as well as her book reviews.
Some of us go to social media kicking and screaming. Amanda drags herself there from time to time. She only posts when she comes across something really good.
About once a month, Amanda writes about an idea or book or essay or short story in her blog, “Swagger & Ink.” Her posts will get you thinking, laughing, crying. They might even get you to buy a book. You can subscribe here.

“To grumpy, cantankerous, and obstreperous elders everywhere. Long may you rage.”