Independent Presses

I am a fan of several independent presses: 

  • Tin House tops my list. This Portland-based publisher puts out edgy accessible work that can just knock your socks off, and they support the literary community through workshops. 

  • Omnidawn Press, in Richmond, California, publishes poetry and prose. They also sponsor writing contests from time to time.

  • WTAW Press (Why There Are Words), founded and directed by author Peg Alford Pursell, has published some of my favorite books. They sponsor readings and offer interesting volunteer opportunities.

  • Torrey House Press promotes “conservation through literature.” I discovered them through the great essayist Nicole Walker.

Amanda Barusch

Amanda Barusch has worked as a janitor, exotic dancer, editor, and college professor. She lives in the American West, where she spends as much time as possible on dirt paths. She has an abiding disdain for boundaries and adores ambiguity. Amanda has published eight books of non-fiction, a few poems, and a growing number of short stories. Aging Angry is her first work of creative non-fiction. She uses magical realism to explore deep truths of the human experience in this rapidly changing world.


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